Light Hope and Healing
In this podcast we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness and how to heal it.Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive and a Channel. She works with you and your guides to get the best outcome that you and your soul will allow. Tracy goes into your energy to figure out what is causing the pain and illness clears it out, heals the body then starts to help you with the mental causes of that illness so you get well and stay well. Tracy helps people that have pain, illness anxiety and stress, they have gone to the doctor, have run tests, and sometimes they can’t find anything wrong sometimes they do but either way Tracy finds it energetically and helps them heal.Her clients want to feel better and are looking for alternatives to heal and change their life.She helps by clearing out old energy, healing body, mind, and soul from physical and emotional pain through powerful energy healing, mentoring and tuning into their needs.For more information check out her website.https://tracygohrick.com/Emailtracy@tracygohrick.com DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever.WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEBSITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment.
228 episodes
Just Start: Overcoming Fear To Try New Things
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 228

Boost Your Mood: Simple Changes To Uplift you
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 227

Navigating Misunderstandings: A Pathway To Clarity
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 226

Transforming Pain: How Hurt Can Inspire Growth
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 225

Trusting Your Instincts: Unlock Your Potential
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 224

Embrace Illness The Hidden Benefits of Getting Sick
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 223

Transform Your Life: The Power of Intentional Living
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 222

Unlock Your Path: Follow Your Joyful Nudges
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 221

Are You Being Manipulated? Discover The Truth!
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 220

Understanding Irritations: Reflecting On Your Inner Struggle
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 219

Transform Frustration Into Healing The Power of Gratitude
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 218

Health Issues Dont Give Them Power
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 217

Anxiety How Far I Have Come and You Can Too!
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 216

Look At Hardships As Growing Moments
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 215

Keeping Your House Picked Up: How It Helps Your Health
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 214

Dance Like No One Is Watching
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 213

Let People Be Where They Are
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 212

Help Yourself Relax Your Mind
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 211

Children Are Their Own Soul
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 210

Some Days You Need To Take It Easy
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Sign up to receive a free healing meditat...
Episode 209

Touch How It Helps You Heal
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Website used to research this podcast.
Episode 208

How Your Thoughts Affect You
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Website used to research this podcast
Episode 207

Aromatherapy How It Can Help You Heal and Lift Your Mood
Tracy Gohrick Light. Hope and Healing is where we talk about why you have stress, anxiety, pain, illness, and how to heal it. Tracy is a Healing Coach, Energy Healer, Spiritual Mentor, Website I used to research this podcast
Episode 206